Chelsea FC vs. Swansea City FC Goal Breakdown

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3rd Chelsea Goal (67’)

Continuing to pressure and attack after taking the lead, Chelsea scored again in the 67th. A series of passes between Ramires and Diego Costa centrally led to the ball being forced out to Hazard on the wing. Drawing the focus of three defenders anticipating Hazard to make one of his incredible dribbles, Ramires dropped back into the space created on the inside edge of box. With a … let’s call it amazing pass Ramires slid the ball into Costa. The striker instinctively made his move as Ramires took the shotpass, leaving the back line of Swansea flat footed and Fabianski with no chance to stop Costa from securing his first Premier League hat trick. A combination many Brazilian fans must regret not getting the chance to see during this summer’s World Cup, Costa has started off his time with the west London club on fire.