Arsene Wenger Apologizes For Shove On Jose Mourinho


Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger was involved in a touchline bust up with Chelsea FC’s Jose Mourinho and he has finally apologized for shoving Mourinho. After the match when the incident took place, Arsene Wenger claimed that he had no regrets about the incident because Mourinho was in his way as he was trying to check on his injured player Alexis Sanchez.

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In a reversal of those comments, presumably after he realized how ridiculous he sounded, Arsene Wenger decided to try and save some shred of the dignity he had left. Wenger has always placed himself above the fray and always portrayed himself as the hero to Jose Mourinho’s villain. This time around, it was Arsene Wenger who was very much villain as he put his hands on an opposing manager completely unprovoked.

"“They gave too much importance to this story. In hindsight I think I should not have reacted at all, it’s not a way to behave on a football field. I always regret any signs of violence and I apologize, but that’s a part of games where everything is manic. And then we have quite a substantial past. Did Mourinho provoke me? That is how I felt. I did not enter Chelsea’s technical area.Source: The Guardian"

Arsene Wenger’s comments showed that whatever mind games Jose Mourinho is playing with him are effective both on and off the pitch. Wenger proved that by addressing the fact that the pair have what he called a “substantial past” and that he felt provoked despite Mourinho not doing anything of the sort.

Since their feud began, Arsene Wenger was always believed to be the one with the moral high ground. He was the manager dealt the bad hand with his lower payroll and much lower funds to acquire player. This year the tables have turned. Arsenal has a higher wage bill than Chelsea FC and with one rash push, Arsene Wenger has lost his moral high ground and the respect of much of the footballing world. It is about time he apologized for his actions but it does not change what happened that day.

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