Raheem Sterling For £50million? 5 Things You Can Buy Instead

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I like beer. I presume that you may also like beer. If I had £50million to spend, I would most likely buy some beer.

More from The Pride of London

“Oi Aj. What’s that you got there?”
“What? This? *points to beer*”
“Yeah, that.”
“Well it’s a beer.”
“Of course”

I don’t know from where you might be reading this, but here in the United Kingdom, that much money would buy me around 12.5 million pints of beer. I’m not going to lie, that’s a lot of beer. If you called your mates over it would probably last you a good week or so.

I’ve even been so kind as to give you an American equivalent. Converting £50m into dollars, then looking up the price of Budweiser at a Walmart somewhere in New York City, you could buy over 8.5 million 12 packs of Buds. So that’s over 100 million standard bottles.


Or whatever you fellas say.

Obviously please drink responsibly…

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