West Ham vs Chelsea FC: 4 Lessons Learnt

By Egghead06 at en.wikipedia [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
By Egghead06 at en.wikipedia [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons /
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1. Schoolboy Errors Are Costing Chelsea

I have mentioned this point in many of my previous posts: Chelsea’s defensive errors are one of the major reasons for their current miseries. But, along with this, let’s add Matic’s red card and if we sum them up, it results in Chelsea losing not only a man on the pitch but also their confidence and ultimately the three points.

The first West Ham goal was a consequence of a quandary which has been Chelsea’s Achilles heel all season. They yet again failed to defend a corner as the ball drifted across the penalty box, a consequence of all Chelsea players failing to clear it. It comfortably landed in front of Zarate and the rest is history.

However, the shocking incident was Matic’s red card, a dismissal that was completely justified. The first yellow card was merited as he took one for the team by stopping a West Ham counter attack. Having said that, given that he was already on a card, his intentional block (and that too in front of the linesman) was quite surprising to witness. Especially considering that Matic is usually one to maintain his composure,

In a situation where the team and the manager needs every player to play well and at least be available, Matic’s red card is totally uncalled for and it symbolizes the turmoil which is brewing inside the Chelsea camp.

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