Chelsea FC youngster credits Guus Hiddink with improved atmosphere


Chelsea FC academy member Ruben Sammut has stated that there has been a palpable difference in atmosphere since Guus Hiddink replaced Jose Mourinho.

Little by little, the press are squeezing out views and opinions from Chelsea FC players regarding the circumstances surrounding Jose Mourinho’s dismissal. The latest individual to share his thoughts is not from the senior team, but from the youth ranks. Scottish prospect Ruben Sammut has credited Guus Hiddink with improving the situation since taking over.

Speaking to the Daily Record, the youngster has claimed that the atmosphere towards the end of Mourinho’s reign was markedly poor. However, the interim boss has done much to boost spirits throughout the club.

"Since Guus Hiddink arrived, there’s been a real buzz around the place. A lot of the players felt low on confidence while Mourinho was here but it’s totally 
different in the camp now. 
Everyone is upbeat again. Training has been enjoyable again."

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This is an interesting development in the sorry chapter. Sammut is a relatively unknown talent and thus his willingness to express semi-strong sentiments about Mourinho’s tenure is somewhat striking. It must be said, though, that he has not randomly come out in criticism, but was instead interviewed by a local Scottish paper ahead of some U-19 fixtures.

It was reasonably evident that the atmosphere around the senior squad (at least) was awful as Mourinho reached the end of his Stamford Bridge reign. Whether this was due to the boss or the players remains in question, but Sammut implies that the Portuguese tactician was certainly part of the problem.

He uses Hiddink’s treatment of youth as a particular example of his uplifting approach, going on to say that youngsters are more involved in senior squad training throughout the week. Given Chelsea’s poor record of graduating players into the first-team, this is undoubtedly a positive development for those within the academy.

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Whatever your views on the Mourinho situation, this is just another indication that the media will not be moving on anytime soon. Expect more stories to emerge intermittently until Chelsea start winning trophies again.